Taking care of our home inside and out is something most of us do take plenty of
pride in. We want to be able to make it the very best that it can be. The
landscaping outside is what everyone who drives by and who stops to visit us will
see. It is important to use to be able to arrive home and to feel welcomed there
by what we see.
In order to get your garden and your grass to look its very best though, you need
to have the right tools and the right ingredients. Too many people assume this
means you use pesticides and other chemicals to kill weeds and to keep pests
out. Yet you can have a lovely garden and lawn organically so you won’t be
harming the environment in the process.
Fertilizer for your grass has a great deal of chemicals in it. The two main
chemicals found in them that are problematic are nitrates and phosphates. Since
it takes several pounds of fertilizer to complete one yard you will be exposing
your family and pets to unnecessary problems.
You may not realize it but the use of such fertilizers can trigger asthma, be linked
to cancers, and even cause neurological problems for your pets and young
children. These chemicals also get into the soil and then run downstream into
water supplies.
Instead of using this switch to natural compost. You can buy it or you can even
make your own. The process of making your own isn’t very difficult at all. You
simply get a compost container and you place food scraps, the droppings from
your livestock and poultry and even the leaves from your yard into the container.
This will become the compost you get the nutrients from for your lawn and your
garden. You want to save your materials all year long to make enough compost.
This is because the amount you end up with will be significantly compact
compared to the volume of materials that you start out with.
With healthy soil to place your grass seed on, it will be able to grow much
healthier. It will have longer roots which ensures survival. At the same time you
will need to offer it less water to stay green. This is going to help you cut back on
your water bill as well.
With many areas being on water restriction in the summer months, you want to
be able to get as much use out of it as possible. By having the soil properly
prepared you can still have a lovely green lawn even when you are restrained to
only allocating water for certain periods of time on specific days of the week.
To get the most out of the water you put on your grass you need to take care of it
in the early morning hours. This will result in more of it getting into the soil and
less being lost to the process of evaporation. Many individuals believe that they
can get the same results if they water at night. However, a big problem is that
this leaves your grass very susceptible to various types of fungus growing.
To ensure your garden is able to benefit from the water you provide keep the
ground level. You don’t want it to all run off and therefore not offer the items in
your garden the water they need to thrive. A good option to think about is to
place mulch in a nice layer over the top of the soil. This will prevent the water
from evaporating so your plants and flowers will get to retain more of it.
If you plan to spend a great deal of time enjoying the grass you have grown you
want to do so organically. This way your family won’t be at risk of anything. Look
for type of grass that tends to grow well in your area. Not all of them are
universal so selecting the wrong one can result in you being disappointed with
the overall look of your lawn.
You also want a grass that is going to hold up well to people walking on it and
playing on it. You don’t want to have to keep everyone off of your lawn in order
for it to continue looking nice. This can be a sad outlook because it will be
inviting, especially under the shade trees and not being able to go out there isn’t
going to make your family happy.
Some individuals immediately reach for chemicals to kill off weeds that grown in
their garden or their lawn. Yet this isn’t the right solution to turn to. First, find out
what type of weeds you are growing. That will tell you what the problem may be
in that area. Some weeds are actually good for your lawn and you will want to
leave them.
They can serve as a natural fertilizer for your lawn. The rest of them you want to
pull out by hand or to use tools to remove them. Make sure you get them from
the roots up so they can’t regrow as easily.
It is often a thought to just run them over with a mower and be done with them
but avoid doing so. There are seeds in the weeds and when you do this they will
spread all over the place. That will result in your lawn having more weeds than
before and in various locations spread throughout it.