Thursday, 17 July 2008

Pig Food For Thought

Well she who must be obeyed came back from work last night with her usual Goody Bag for the pigs. Sharon works part time 3 evenings a week at the rest home in the local village, she has got a bit of a deal going on where by the other girls who she works with all bring in their vegetable peelings and other waste veg that might have gone over the top, also stale bread & other goodies and in return we give them a small joint or sausages when the pigs are butchered. The cook also donates stale bread and cakes.

With the cost of feed at the moment everything helps to spread the cost of the feed. However you should still make sure your pigs get their staple pig food as this contains all the vitamins nutrients and other things to maintain a steady healthy growth.

We try and feed our pigs a varied diet and they get fed twice a day, they are creatures of habit and god help it if Im 10 mins late with their food they certainly let me know with a chorus of high pitched squealing.

For breakfast today at 7am they had a selection of stale bread & cakes,buiscuits & assorted vegetables also a few courgettes from my poly tunnel, after a bit of fighting over the cakes things settled down into quite a civilized manor and after watching for 5minutes I left them to it.

I was on a day off from PAID work today so the afternoon feeding chores were passed on to me by she who must be obeyed and who am I to argue so off I went, its pouring down with rain so with my 2 trusty mutts at heal we go and see to all the chickens & our 2 new twin Pygmy Goats, then its over to the geese closly followed by Scaty the rabbit who lives with our 7 ducklings.

After this it is up to see to the pigs. At the moment we have 2 Saddleback weaners whose prime job is to clear the paddock they are in of all the weeds as we have it earmarked for a future vegetable patch. Anyhow this afternoons treat for the pigs is 2 kilos of sow weaner nuts and some more vegetable peelings. You would think they had never been fed and once again after a bit of argy bargy they settle down.

She who must be obeyed is ringing the bell to let me know my tea is ready so I better get up to the house or I will be in the doghouse for letting it get cold.

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