A few days ago I was clearing out a house and garden and at the bottom of the garden was an old fibreglass fishpond which had three holes but I thought I might be able to do something with it. I put it in the van with the other bits and pieces and off to the farm.
Today the Ducks were the lucky recipients of our latest bit of recycling. My son who is staying for a few days set about fixing the holes with a fibreglass repair kit and I set about repairing and installing a gate to the little paddock, I also had to put chicken wire around the bottom of the fence to keep Scaty the Rabbit from escaping.
The pond was then installed and a few old stones put round the edge, we then had to build a ramp so the Ducks could get in the pond and up to their hut. Then Scatys hut was put in. The pond was filled up and did not appear to leak so fingers crossed.
The Ducks and Rabbit were then put in and seemed to revel with the new luxury accomodation. We were very pleased and satisfied another piece of recycling had been done.
Im just off to lock them up so Im probably in for a few fun and games
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