Monday 16 July 2012


Hi All

she who must be obeyed has been busy picking the blackcurrants. This year has been a very prolific year for them.

Sharon picked 21 kilo's of them on friday and over the weekend she sold 15 kilo's at £2.50 per kg. all the money raised from the fruit and veg go into our winter coal fund.

We have a Stanley solid fuel cooker which also does our hot water generally I try to use wood where possible but coal is handy for the winter as it can be shut down and just left to burn slowly providing a steady heat through the day and night.

Next up will be the gooseberries and the cherry plums, victoria plums, pears and apples and some rhubarb.
Also some of the surplus veg from the polytunnel.

This is the blackcurrants she who must picked last night to replace the ones that sold.

Speak Soon

Mark :)

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