Friday, 20 July 2012

Summers Here (Oh No It Isn't)

Hi Everyone

Mark here with some more driffleings for you.

All the weather forcasts that I watched yesterday said summer was going to start today so after counting the sheep and a good nights sleep I went downstairs and was dismayed to see lots of cloud in the sky and it generally looked pretty miserable.

I thought that it would probably brighten up as the day went on and in the afternoon we would have glorious sunshine, but here in Lincolnshire the weather gods seemed set on dragging out this miserable weather for at least another day.

By lunchtime the rain had got heavier and She who Must Be Obeyed left me to it and said she was off to town to pick up some sewing thingamebob

3 hours later she returned and beckoned me out to help with the shopping. "Shopping" I said I thought you were only going to get a sewing thingy, she said she thought she would just get a few bits while she was there and have a look in her favorite kitchen accessory shop.

So after getting another soaking with the shopping it was time to get wet again as it was time to see to the chickens and animals. After they were all seen to it was back to the house for a nice cup of tea, "she who must" said go on then I'll have one then just as I'm about to drink it the big lorry turns up with our feed order.

Time for another soaking and by this time the rain was hammering down, we managed to get the feed in the shed without it getting to wet, the only thing that was really wet was ME.

So back to the house to get dried off and drink my cup of tea which I have to say wasd delightful.

I said to She Who Must I'm off for a bath, she said you'll be lucky theres not enough hot water (we get ours via our solid fuel cooker) so out to the wood shed to saw some wood and light the Stanley for a bath.

Who said life on a Smallholding was easy.

Right I think the water is hot enough now so I'm off for my bath.

Did you know summer is starting tomorrow again Huh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Speak Soon

Marky Boy

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